Compensation was provided by General Mills via MomTrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of General Mills or Momtrends.
Now that school is back in session, getting my kids excited about their new early morning wake up time has been a bit of a challenge. Of course, it hasn’t been easy on my end either considering I am NOT a morning person. I decided that making mornings fun might help boost my kids’ enthusiasm and mine as well so I set out to create our newest family time adventure, Game Mornings!
To make our game mornings even more exciting, specially marked General Mills cereals are featuring exclusive Skylanders Battlecast app cards! Some of the exclusive characters include Stealth Elf, JackPot and Full ScreamAhead.
My kids are currently obsessed with Skylanders and can’t live without their morning cereal so it’s only too fitting that right now specially marked boxes of General Mills Cereals are offering kids a chance to discover exclusive Skylanders Battlecast cards in each box! Now kids will be able to add to their Skylanders Battlecast app game just by eating breakfast. General Mills Cereals featuring the Skylanders Battlecast cards include Reese’s Puffs, Cookie Crisp, Cinnamon Toast Crunch and other fun General Mills cereals. Just look for the Skylanders Battlecast label on the box.
So far operation Game Mornings has been a massive hit! The kids love playing the Skylanders Battlecast app with each other and have had a blast finding the special cards that are exclusive to General Mills cereals. We even made our own Skylanders cards to play with as well!
Of course, what kid doesn’t like opening their favorite box of General Mills cereal and finding a prize inside. I remember how excited I was to beat out my 3 younger brothers to the cereal so that I could claim the prize inside. Thankfully for my kids there are enough specially marked General Mills Skylanders Battlecast boxes that no one has to fight over who gets the prize this time.
Not quite as up to speed on Skylanders Battlecast as your kids are? Grab a quick explanation through the video below.
Do your kids have a favorite General Mills cereal and play Skylanders Battlecast? Let me know!
That video is pretty helpful and Loving the cereals you have there for breakfast.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch is my favorite cereal.
My boys will enjoy the sky landers cards I’ll have to look for these when I’m out!
The video was helpful and have to lookout for the cereal boxes when they come out. The kids are going to have fun.
Cinnamon Toast Crunch is my favorite cereal! sharing a bowl with my girls and learning how to play this cool game sounds like a wonderful Sunday morning staycation!
Oh our little one would love the Skylanders Battlecast app cards! His favorite General Mills cereal is Cookie Crisp, but he loves so many of their others too!