Ring in the 4th of July with a bang!
Enter to win an amazing July 4th backyard bundle and celebrate Independence Day with over $800 in prizes!
Nothing says 4th of July like remembering those who fought for our Independence and spending time outside with family and friends. What better way to do that than with a new patio set, BBQ grill and some awesome grilling tools! Enter the Independence Day Giveaway for a chance at winning this amazing July 4th bundle worth over $800!
Prize pack includes:
Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set
Weber Performer Deluxe 22″ Charcoal Grill
Mr. Bar-B-Q Finger-Grip 18-Piece Tool Set
Enter through the widget below. Open to US residents 18+ in the continental US. Please read the giveaway rules before entering.
Anita L says
My favorite item is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set 🙂
Jen Rodrigues says
All the stuff is awesome and amazing. I really want the patio set and win that for my mom bc she needs a new one. Hers is falling apart and money is tight right now.
Amy Benton says
I love all of the items in this package, but my favorite is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc dining set. Thanks for the opportunity.
Rija says
My favorite is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set !I love all the items though !
Janet OBrien says
My favorite is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set! Although, I love all the items!
Meghan says
Love the dining set!
Andrea Rust says
I love the patio furniture!
Emilie c says
I like the grill :)!
Maria Cotto says
My favorite is the Weber Performer Delux Grill.
Michelle J. says
I like the furniture set.
Alison Gibb says
My favorite item in this awesome giveaway is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set!!
Elena says
My favorite is the Weber Performer Deluxe 22″ Charcoal Grill
Soha Molina says
I LOVE Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set/
Darlene Carbajal says
I love the dining set!!
Nicole Sender says
I love the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5-pc Dining Set.
Rachel Beltz says
The Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5-pc Dining Set is my favorite!
Faye Gates says
I love that grill! I need and want a grill so bad! Mine died.
Sarah Burks says
The Better Homes and Gardens Jade dining set sounds nice. Thank you for the opportunity to win
David Smith says
My favorite item is the Weber Performer Deluxe 22″ Charcoal Grill
Cindy Merrill says
I’m crazy over the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set!!
Adriana says
My fav would be the charcoal grill.
Kristine Paull says
The grill looks awesome. This whole set would be a treat to win! Thank you for the opportunity to win this wonderful prize
Tom Bellamy says
My favorite is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set.
Jeanne Coulombe says
The weber grill oh I need one so badly the bear did some damage to ours
Nicole says
My favorite item is the tool set.
Cassie Korando says
My favorite is the dining set!
Regina Wright says
The Weber grill! Thanks for the chance!
Suzanne says
All of them are awesome! We could really use a nice grill so that is my favorite.
@thefirstleon says
The the bundle!
@thefirstleon says
Love the bundle!
Karen Glatt says
My favorite is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set! I do not even have an outdoor set and need one really bad!
Christina Sparks says
My favorite is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set., I do not currently have a patio set.
Jessica miller says
I like the 5 pc Dining set
Audra O'Hara says
My favorite is the Jade Avenue 5pc dining set. This would be perfect on our back deck!
Gabrielle Wanless says
I’d have to say the grill. We have a hole in ours and have to usr foil to keep the charcoal in
monique s says
The grill is my favorite item. I so need a new one.
Amanda A says
It’s hard to choose! They’re all awesome. I’d have to go with the Weber Performer Deluxe 22″ Charcoal Grill.
Janel says
My favorite item is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set.
ashley wood says
As much as I need the patio set I am the griller of the house so I would be excited for the grill. All of the prizes are really actually awesome even on their own. Good Luck everyone and have a happy and safe 4th!
Lee says
The Weber Performer Deluxe 22″ Charcoal Grill is without question my favorite.
bunkerbill says
chris hoey says
Stefanie Gladden says
My favorite is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set
Lauryn R says
My favorite prize is definitely the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set! This would be amazing, we are about to move into a house and have nothing for the back yard. 🙂
Linda Kish says
The Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set is my favorite.
Brittany Pinheiro says
The patio set is my favorite
Austin Baroudi says
I love the Weber Performer Deluxe 22″ Charcoal Grill!
Kelly D says
The Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set is my favorite.
Vicky Watkins says
Why of course the grill
allyson tice says
Weber Performer Deluxe 22″ Charcoal Grill is my favorite in the prize pack!!!
Laura says
My favorite is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set! I love this! 🙂
shantelle stately says
All of the prizes would be amazing to have. But, I do especially love the dining set.
DJ says
The grill! My hubby would love it and we could use a new one.
Billy Lilley says
My favorite item is the Weber Charcoal Grill.
Nathan Kirsch says
My favorite item in the pack is the Weber Performer Deluxe 22″ Charcoal Grill
Monica McCarthy says
I love the patio set! Our patio set is very old and we would love a new one!
Tara L says
My favorite is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set
irma5353 says
My favorite is the Better Home & Garden jade Ave. 5pc dining set. Love to win it!
Michelle Corriveau says
I absolutely love Garden Jade Ave. 5 piece dining set!!!
Rebecca Foughty says
The dining set is my favorite!
Lex Tacker says
Would love to win!
Angela Williams says
I love the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set!
Jill Rivera says
Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set is the item I would choose because I can always use extra seating.
Ty says
My favorite piece in this giveaway is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set .
Tabathia B says
the Weber Performer Deluxe 22″ Charcoal Grill
Elle says
The Weber grill is my favorite item.
Diane Ladnier says
I love the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set. Ours got ruined in our last severe storm! a new one would be amazing! thank you!
Chrissy K says
I love the patio set and what hubby wouldnt love the BBQ. Thanks
Jan Lee says
My favorite item is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set. It’s perfect for my niece’s family 🙂
Candace Galan-Calderon says
My favorite item is the 5 piece dining set! Even though that grill is pretty cool!
Sarah Ochocki says
I’d love the dining set. We have a really nice yard and nowhere to sit in it!
Jessica Jenkins says
I love the 5pc dining set and the grill. It would really spruce my outdoors up.
Robin says
Wow, so hard to choose because this is a really nice prize package. Okay, my favorite is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set
Shayna Brookman says
I LIKE THE Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set 🙂
Steph says
I like the dining set!!
laurie damrose says
I like the grill,it is nice.
Sheralle D. says
My fave item in this giveaway is the Weber charcoal grill.
shannon fowler says
definitely the grill. my fiancé and i have been wanting one for a while, but we’ve been moving so frequently that it would have been hard to keep moving it.
Jim Yee says
Of course the grill makes the whole package complete!
DeAnna Keller says
The Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set is my favorite.
bn100 says
the grill
Margot Core says
I think my favorite item is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set.
April says
Although I like them all, my favorite is the patio set!
LaTanya says
Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set
Lauren says
I like the dining set.
Rick M. says
They are all great, but my deck needs a great looking patio set!
Graham says
Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set
Charles says
Well being a man, I’d have to go with the grill. I personally own smoker but by pops grill is rusted through, so this one would be for him. The dining set however, my mom would love.
Jessica says
I like the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set.
Jaclyn Reynolds says
The dining set is lovely! We’d love to use it on our deck.
Wendi says
I would love the dining set mine was ruined in a wind storm
natasha Lamoreux says
My favorite is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set.
mita says
I like the dining set
Natalie says
My favorite item would have to be the Weber Performer Deluxe 22″ Charcoal Grill because I love to grill!
Ellen C. says
I love the Better Homes and Gardens dining set. Thanks for the chance.
Polly Hall says
That’s hard to choose between the grill or the table set love them both, if choosing on it would have to be the tabls set.
Hargow Wong says
My favorite item is the Weber Performer Deluxe 22″ Charcoal Grill.
Anna Pry says
the weber grill is my fave because we don’t own a grill and i would love to have one
Peggy Johnson says
The dining set is my favorite piece of this giveaway. This would be awesome to win
Traci Bender says
5 Piece Dining set .💖
darby mayvill says
I would love the grill!
Annmarie W. says
I absolutely love the dining set. It would look GREAT on our pool patio!
Steve Weber says
Weber Performer Deluxe 22″ Charcoal Grill
Dana Rodriguez says
The dining set for sure!
Courtnie Miller says
My favorite is definitely the grill.
Jeffrey says
My favorite item is the dining set, it would really compliment my patio!
Will G says
My favorite item is the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set.
Mary Cloud says
My favorite item is the 5 Piece Dining Set – I could definitely use this
carol clark says
Weber Performer Deluxe 22″ Charcoal Grill
that is my fave
Krista M says
The BBQ tool kit would be my favorite thing to win!!
Jessica Padilla says
My favorite piece is the dining set.
Bo Simms says
My favorite item in this prize pack is Weber the Performer Deluxe 22″ Charcoal Grill. I have been wanting one for a long time!
sheri anderson says
We need all of these prizes because our backyard is empty yet we have plenty of room, but my favorite is the dining set, thanks!
Jessica Sage says
The grill is my favorite item! We could use a new, nicer one
Melissa Teears says
I am in love with the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set. I do not have a patio set and this would be perfect. It is gorgeous!
Starla says
This is so awesome and would be so useful in my home. I would really love the Weber Performer Deluxe 22″ Charcoal Grill. I currently don’t have a grill and I love grilling out so this would be great!
Ashleigh Hack says
The grill! Would love to win!
Bridgett Wilbur says
I love them all , but I really love the dining set.
Brigitte Bauman says
My favorite is the Weber Performer Deluxe Charcoal Grill. It definitely has a home in my backyard.
Erin M says
The 5 piece dining set is my favorite.
Susan C. says
I love the grill! I’ve never seen one like that before.
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
I’m most excited for the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set!!!
Julie says
I love the 5 piece dining set.
Melinda says
I love the dining set, but everything in the prize pack is great!
Kat Gober says
Everything in this prize package is great! I can see me and my husband sitting under the patio furniture while the grill is going and using the tools to cook with. I love them all!
Brandon Sparks says
The Jade Avenue 5pc dining set for sure..
Teresa says
The 5 piece dining set is my favorite item, although the grill (and tools) look rather great as well!
Minta Boggs says
I love the Better Homes and Gardens Jade Avenue 5pc Dining Set!
Margot C says
Who won then?
Margot C says
Where is the winner announcement? Did I miss it?