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For many jet-setters and bored professionals, going on a cruise is the ultimate fantasy. Bringing to mind images of blue skies, gently lapping waves, and exotic cocktails, they offer the perfect getaway for those in need of some rest and relaxation.
Despite their widespread appeal, no two cruises are the same. They cover so many different routes and destinations, and cater to such a wide variety of travelers, meaning each one is a truly unique experience. However, if you’re looking for somewhere fabulous to go, then here are a few of the best cruise destinations around…
The Caribbean
More people embark on cruises to the Caribbean than any other destination, and its paradisaical climate, natural beauty, and charming locals make it very easy to understand why. The locale offers an astounding array of ports to choose from, providing a wonderful opportunity to select your dream itinerary. A haven of white sand beaches, with a vibrant culture and fascinating history, this is a region that must be seen to be believed. Where will you choose to visit?
Far East and Asia
The Far East and Asia cover a vast domicile, and span some fascinating cultures and countries. A haven for the intelligent, educated, and inquisitive, these far flung lands offer a wealth of culture and history to enhance your travelling experience. Follow in the legendary footsteps of Marco Polo, and discover a world of mighty capitals, exquisite landscapes, indescribable riches, and gloriously vibrant, friendly people. Get in touch with a company like Planet Cruise to book your trip today.
Europe may not seem as exotic as some of its counterparts, but don’t discount it from your list of dream cruise destinations. This pint-sized continent is filled with wonders for the erstwhile explorer to discover, from the gleaming golden domes of Istanbul to the ethereal mountains of Norway. Spend your days wandering between the grand palazzos and palaces of Italy, and discover the enchanting works of Michelangelo and Da Vinci. Before your trip is through, walk the echoing corridors and halls of Germany’s ancient, forbidding fortresses, and dance through the streets of Madrid to the accompaniment of its wild, unrestrained street music.
If you’re still in search of your dream destination, then add Alaska to your list of possibilities. A wonderland of breathtaking scenery, glittering glaciers, and prowling wildlife, it offers a dazzling itinerary for those in search of adventure. Explore the region’s fascinating history – a tale of warfare and aching tragedy – before venturing into its wilderness and being awed by its immense beauty.
The only question that remains is this: where will you choose to visit?
I’ve never been on a cruise. I would love to take my family on a Caribbean cruise to see how we like it. My dream vacation is one of the 2-week Mediterranean Disney cruises. I think the whole family would love that!
I would visit the Caribbean, I love going & seeing the ocean and going to beaches also.
I’ve been to the Caribbean and Bahamas, but I’d love to try a European cruise.
I’ve wanted to visit Europe for what feels like most of my life. That will definitely be my next major trip – next step is deciding which country in particular, though visiting the Scottish Highlands is a real dream of mine.
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